Bern AI in RadioTherapy Symposium (BART)


Robert Poel

Robert Poel

Within the ARTORG as part of the Medical Imaging Analysis group, Robert is involved in a project on automatic segmentation of brain structures for Radiation Oncology. Segmentation of brain structures is currently a manual task performed by physicians which takes a lot of time and effort and subsequently will result in inconsistencies among pyhsicians and institutions. Ideally this task is fully automated. However, it is important this happens correctly and precize because the patients health is directly depended on these segmentations. In a collaboration with Varian Medical Systems and the Inselspital Bern, Robert is working on a deep learning based automatic segmentation method for brain lesions and organs at risk. His main tasks within this project are to introduce validation metrics and a quality assurance method that will improve the safe and secure implementation of autosegmentation in clinical practice.

Contact Robert here.

More Information:
Talks at this conference:
 9:00 Opening and Registration ! Live
 9:20 Introduction and Welcome ! Live
