Bern Interpretable AI Symposium
BIAS in Medical Image Analysis, at the University of Bern, on 24th of March 2023.
Bern Interpretable AI Symposium
The Bern Interpretable AI Symposium (for Medical Image Analysis) was a one-day meeting (on the 24th of March 2023), aiming to bring researchers together in the medical image interpretable AI community. Our hope and objective is to attempt to “open the black box”, share insights into challenges and breakthroughs in this field and to foster better interaction with each other.
We ran this in a hybrid mode: both online and in-person, with an emphasis on accessibility to early-career researchers and folks who are new to this and interested to get involved in this field. To facilitate this, we had a series of invited talks from all three major stakeholders: industry, academia, and clinics, to give an overview of recent advances, challenges, and efforts for sharing insights.
Call for Abstracts
We had > 20 submissions of extended abstracts for oral and poster presentation during the symposium. Submitting an abstract is great way to engage with the interpretable AI in medical imaging community and to showcase your research. Submitted work can be preliminary and work-in-progress, and we welcome perspectives and position papers as well to foster discussions about recent trends in this niche space.
Although the “AI model” boom in recent years has generated promising results in mission-critical fields like medical imaging, interpretability is a major question mark. The understanding of medical images by researchers in academia, industry and clinics could be different, and we believe requires a common language and terminology for obtaining precise and safe inferences. Developing novel tools in computer aided diagnosis, therapy and intervention depends critically on our ability to explain its’ behavior, assign a level of accountability, and BIAS attempts to bring these questions to the fore, in an unbiased manner. The symposium aims to raise awareness amongst all the stakeholders of the unmet needs in interpretability for successful deployment of AI in medical imaging.
Contact the Organizers
To contact the organizers, please reach out to Amith, Yannick or Dr. Mauricio Reyes.
We would like to gratefully acknowledge our sponsors without whom this event would not be possible.
We acknowledge the MICCAI Society for endorsing this event as well.