Bern Interpretable AI Symposium (BIAS)

Call for Extended Abstracts

Acceptance and selection of orals and posters will be based on how well it matches the theme of the symposium and decisions will be made by the organizers. We will have a light peer-review with an objective score, however, written review feedback cannot be shared. Depending on the number and quality of abstracts we receive, we plan to invite selected submissions to write an extended version of their work to be submitted to a special edition of a journal (this is still in the works). Please indicate your interest in this special edition on the CMT submission form.


Abstract submissions are due March 10th, AoE (Click here to go to CMT)

Authors will be notified.


Abstracts are strictly one page long (a second page may only contain the references) and we recommend using this template. Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format, and the review will be single-blind. We expect a brief description of the work including context, methodology and (potentially preliminary) results.

Presentation Format

Authors of accepted abstracts are please requested to email a 4 minute video describing their work to the organizers (Amith, Yannick and Prof. Dr. Reyes) by the 21st of March, 2023. Please reach out to the organizers for any questions about this.